Sunday, December 18, 2011


With every blogger, vlogger, youtuber, anyone who expresses their own opinion really, there is always something that inspires them to start. In each case, there is an introduction explaining to whoever may stumble across their content as to what has been their inspiration. They also give a short summary as to what their content is all about. Really, why should it be any different, some will try to diverge from doing this because they think its cheesy and awkward, but it is only normal. It would be like trying to phone someone and not greet them.

So anyway, thats the rambling done, onto my blog. To be honest, it has just been a collection of factors which have driven me to write this. Firstly, 2011 has been a roller coaster year in the guitar industry, so much has happened. I have seen and heard many people express their beliefs which has driven me to want to express my own. The final main factor was that I have seen friend's blogs and would like to give it a go. This page really will include whatever I feel like sharing about the industry. Posts may include giving my opinions of certain guitars (what I like/dislike and general help on the vast spectrum of guitars around) , guitar events and recent cases in the guitar world.

My aim is to simply provide my 'two pennies' or 'two cents' of knowledge. I'm not a professional guitarist or an expert in this industry. I just enjoy playing and have and wish to express my thoughts.  If what I write can help you in any way whatsoever or interests you as a reader, thank you for visiting my page.


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